How can I show that my orthopedic surgeon was negligent?

If you have recently had surgery for an orthopedic injury, you will have depended on the success of that surgery in order to live a life free of pain. You may have needed the surgery to improve mobility or to engage in sports again.

Therefore, if the surgery did not go as planned, you will be feeling extremely disheartened. It may mean that you still cannot go to work, and are, therefore, losing income. In addition, it is likely that your quality of life is severely limited, and you may be dependent on a cane or a wheelchair for the foreseeable future.

Can I take legal action after an unsuccessful operation?

Not every unsuccessful operation is going to be a cause for the patient to take legal action. However, if you have reason to believe that your orthopedic surgeon or the hospital in general was negligent, you may be able to gain back damages for their negligence.

What are some examples of negligence in an orthopedic operation?

One of the most common reasons why an orthopedic surgeon might be accused of negligence is if they are generally incompetent during the surgery. If they made mistakes that a theoretically competent surgeon would not have made, this can be classed as negligence. In addition, the hospital could be liable for medical malpractice if it can be shown that inadequate training or communication errors led to the unsuccessful surgery.

You should always investigate your medical malpractice claim options if you are subject to an unsuccessful orthopedic surgery in the state of Colorado.
